My home inspector Darin at Housecall is a class act. Very detailed home inspection on my condo in San Diego. Great service, fast and professional.         -  Edna E., San Diego

Blog Inspector Rants
Pro Painter? Hardly!
Inspector Rants
(1 vote)
Today I received an email from a company offering professional painter services. The ad looked clean, the message compelling. I know a little about painting and was a contractor and home remodeler in San Diego for many years. These days, I don't do much painting as a home inspector in San Diego, but I am always on the look out for qualified professionals that I can refer to my home inspection clients. Of course, prior to putting contractors on my referral list I usually try out these companies on my own property and then do some checking to ensure I am offering a quality referral to my clients. Afterall, even though I do not have any sort of relationship with these referrals it still reflects poorly on my business if one of my referrals falls short in the eyes of my property inspection clients.
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Last Updated on Friday, 01 July 2011 15:45
An Informed Buyer
Inspector Rants
(6 votes)
So today while out on an inspection I get a call from a client. A very nice women on the other end of the call is looking for a home inspector and she found my website listing on Google. I can tell that this call might take some time, so I excuse myself from my current inspection for a few minutes and retreat to a cool spot under a shade tree in the front yard of this beautiful house in Escondido.
Now these are the kind of calls I like. The caller is well prepared and with checklist in hand begins working through her list of questions from top to bottom.
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Last Updated on Thursday, 10 February 2011 12:55
Licensed Home Inspector
Inspector Rants
(6 votes)
As a prospective home buyer in San Diego, you are probably scouring the Internet looking for a qualified, certified, licensed, professional home inspector upon which you intend to entrust the most significant investment you will likely make in your lifetime, your home purchase in America's Finest City.  Read on, mere rookie-of-the-home-buyers, have we got a story for you.
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Last Updated on Saturday, 22 January 2011 09:16

Housecall Property Inspections

Housecall Property Inspections
6826 Millbrook St.
San Diego, CA 92120