I am so glad I decided on this company.  The home inspector knew his stuff, and he explained the inspection report in a way that was clear.  I was able to negotiate my purchase and saved a lot of money.  Thanks for everything.        -  Karla P., San Diego

Blog Manufactured and Mobile Homes
Foundation Certification
Manufactured and Mobile Homes
(5 votes)
You are an FHA borrower looking to buy a manufactured home.  Your bank notifies you of the following requirements as a condition of your loan and will need these satisfied before they can proceed:
  • Satisfactory engineer's report from a licensed engineer verifying the subject property foundation meets all HUD requirements for manufactured homes.
  • Provide an acceptable engineer's certification for FHA manufactured home.
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Last Updated on Thursday, 31 March 2011 07:40
Tie-Downs for Manufactured Homes
Manufactured and Mobile Homes
(5 votes)
The main purpose of tie-downs is to keep a manufactured home stable atop it's foundation if subjected to extreme wind or seismic activity. Without properly installed tie-downs, the home could shift or even overturn completely. There are different types of tie-downs, some which may work better than others depending on the location of the home and what forces you are protecting against.
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Last Updated on Tuesday, 22 May 2012 17:15
Choosing a Manufactured Home
Manufactured and Mobile Homes
(4 votes)
Modern manufactured homes are quite different than those of even a decade ago. Most people no longer choose the small, single-wide, box like homes that are simple in design. Options today include sizes up to 2,500 square feet, and can be completely customized. Many of the features that used to be available only to those purchasing a standard home are now available to those who choose to purchase a manufactured home as well.
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Last Updated on Monday, 21 May 2012 16:50

Housecall Property Inspections

Housecall Property Inspections
6826 Millbrook St.
San Diego, CA 92120