I am so glad I decided on this company.  The home inspector knew his stuff, and he explained the inspection report in a way that was clear.  I was able to negotiate my purchase and saved a lot of money.  Thanks for everything.        -  Karla P., San Diego

Blog Manufactured and Mobile Homes Choosing a Manufactured Home
Choosing a Manufactured Home
Manufactured and Mobile Homes
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Modern manufactured homes are quite different than those of even a decade ago. Most people no longer choose the small, single-wide, box like homes that are simple in design. Options today include sizes up to 2,500 square feet, and can be completely customized. Many of the features that used to be available only to those purchasing a standard home are now available to those who choose to purchase a manufactured home as well.

manufactured-homeModern Manufactured Home Features

Designs today are created using a computer program. This allows the designer to input the features that the buyer has chosen, creating a unique home. There are many different floor plans and different types of decor to choose from. Choices can be made based on personal preferences as well as budget. The exterior will also be customizable, with many types of siding to choose from. Extras such as decks, awnings, patios and more can also be included.

Manufactured Home Financing Options

There will be several financing options to consider, just as there are when you purchase any type of home. Retailers may offer their own financing, and should be able to provide plenty of financing information. The loan terms should be quite similar to that of other home purchases, with a down payment likely being required, and the ability to pay for up to 30 years. Both fixed and variable rates should be available. Traditional financing options are typically made available to those who own the land on which the home will be placed.

Manufactured Home Costs

These homes are offered in many different price ranges. The lowest price is generally around $15,000, with the highest exceeding $100,000. The cost will depend on the size of the home and the features that it includes. Note that the price of the home will not include the cost of the land. Even those who need to purchase land will likely find that they can purchase one of these homes at a cost that is much less than the cost of purchasing a traditional home.

Location of the Home

Many of these homes are placed on land that is owned by the buyer. It is important to know what laws are in place prior to deciding to place a manufactured home on land you own. In some cities, they are not allowed at all. In areas where they are allowed, there may be zoning laws or other laws to consider. Land may also be leased in communities designed specifically for manufactured homes. These typically already have the utility and plumbing connections already in place. Another option would be to purchase the land and home in conjunction for placement in a subdivision.

Additional Expenses

Depending on your specific circumstances, you may need to pay:
  • Property taxes
  • Lot rental fees
  • Homeowners insurance
  • Service fees
  • Utilities and water costs
One of the best features of modern manufactured homes is that they meet HUD energy standards. Energy efficient appliances and heating and cooling systems come standard. This helps to keep energy costs to a minimum, especially when combined with sensible use.

Maintenance Needs For Manufactured Homes

It will be important to take care of routine maintenance as outlined in the homeowners manual. Not only could the warranty be voided if you do not do this, but neglect can greatly shorten the lifespan of the home. A home inspector will gladly inspect your new or used manufactured home prior to purchase, or at any time you wish to evaluate the condition and systems within the home.
Standard manufacturer's warranties should cover:
  • Workmanship on the structure
  • Plumbing, heating/cooling, and electrical systems
  • Appliances that were included with the purchase
  • Roof (in some cases)
The set-up and transportation of the home could present hazards that are not covered under standard manufacturer's warranties. It may be necessary to purchase an additional warranty to safeguard against potential problems. The home retailer may offer such a warranty. A home inspection should be performed prior to any warranty expiring. It is wise to be altered to problems while they can be fixed at no cost to you.

Moving the Manufactured Home

Though they are often called, "mobile homes" moving the home from one location to another could compromise the condition of the home. There may be local and state laws in regard to moving a home. Check to see what these are. What is most important should you decide to move the home is that a professional manufactured home mover is hired. This individual will know how to move the home without causing damage to it. Moving the home can be expensive, with costs including more than just transportation expenses.

Areas Served: We serve the areas listed above as well as many others. If you do not see your city, please contact us. We will be proud to serve your city.
Darin Redding
Written on Monday, 15 March 2010 12:08 by Darin Redding

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Housecall Property Inspections

Housecall Property Inspections
6826 Millbrook St.
San Diego, CA 92120