I am so glad I decided on this company.  The home inspector knew his stuff, and he explained the inspection report in a way that was clear.  I was able to negotiate my purchase and saved a lot of money.  Thanks for everything.        -  Karla P., San Diego

Blog Environmental Issues Is Your Home Full of Biological Pollutants?
Is Your Home Full of Biological Pollutants?
Environmental Issues
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Indoor air is often more polluted than the air outside. Heating and cooling systems, cleaning products, and other products we use each day can release pollution into the home. In America, people spend as much as 90% of their time inside the home. Though indoor air pollution may not make a normally health person sick, it can greatly affect the health of those with illnesses, infants, and the elderly.

man-in-respiratorHow safe is the air in your home?Sources of Biological Pollutants

Biological pollutants do not only come from the products that we use. They may also be in the form of pollen, human skin cells, airborne bacteria, animal dander, dust mites, cockroach and other insect parts, and more. Damp conditions can intensify the problem. Moisture will actually feed pollutants and encourage growth. Cleaning the home on a regular basis will help. However, it is impossible to get rid of all biological pollutants in the home. 

Biological Pollutants and Your Health

The heath effects can vary greatly from person to person. Allergic, infectious, and toxic reactions are all possible. Many of the associated symptoms closely resemble those of other allergies. Congestion, sneezing, runny nose, headaches, watery eyes and more can be the result of exposure to indoor pollution. Individuals who suffer from asthma may experience the greatest risk of serious symptoms.

How To Test Your Home For Biological Pollutants

Unfortunately, there is no simple way to test indoor air quality on your own. Expert home testing can be expensive, and may only tell you what you likely already suspect - that biological pollutants are in your home. Since the levels required to make someone sick will vary greatly from person to person, testing may not prove extremely helpful.
Despite this, self-inspection can help you identify possible causes at which time you can work to remove them. When inspecting the home, be on the lookout for all areas in which poor air circulation and constant moisture are in place. Moisture can be nearly anywhere, especially in homes that maintain a high humidity level. Several methods of moisture control are as follows:
  • Repair leaks right away
  • Ensure that the ground is sloped away from the home so that water does not gather near the foundation or in the basement
  • Check to make sure that crawl-spaces have the proper amount of ventilation
  • Make use of exhaust fans in bathrooms
  • Check to be sure that the clothes dryer is vented outside
  • Use dehumidifiers in spaces that are very humid
  • Ensure that carpets remain dry at all times
Clean surfaces such as counters and showers on a regular basis. Should you notice any mold, this needs to be removed as soon as possible. Mold covered shower curtains should either be cleaned or replaced. A plan to control dust should also be implemented. This may include washing bedding on a regular basis. Vacuum carpets and cloth covered furnishings as often as possible. A combination of cleaning, repairs, and being on the lookout for problems will help reduce the level of biological pollutants in your home.

Areas Served: We serve the areas listed above as well as many others. If you do not see your city, please contact us. We will be proud to serve your city.
Darin Redding
Written on Tuesday, 04 January 2011 14:56 by Darin Redding

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Last Updated on Thursday, 10 May 2012 18:34

Housecall Property Inspections

Housecall Property Inspections
6826 Millbrook St.
San Diego, CA 92120