What we like about Housecall is their service.  It has been many months since our home inspection, and my wife and I still call them to ask questions.  They always take the time to talk with us and we never feel rushed.  This is our first home, and it is nice knowing you have someone you can call.  They deliver on their promise.        -  Mr. & Mrs. Pickard, San Diego

Blog Environmental Issues Tainted Chinese drywall manufacturers named
Tainted Chinese drywall manufacturers named
Environmental Issues
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The list below identifies drywall manufacturers whose product produces emission rates of hydrogen sulfide 100 times greater than non-Chinese drywall samples.  Such levels are dangerous medically and corrosive chemically. The list below finally gives contractors and home inspectors, consumers and homeowners, who are experiencing problems with these various drywalls, manufacturer names that they can look for if they can get a look at the back side of the drywall.

A CPSC press release lists the following manufacturers:

  • Knauf Plasterboard (Tianjin) Co. Ltd.: (year of manufacture 2005) China
  • Taian Taishan Plasterboard Co. Ltd.: (2006) China
  • Shandong Taihe Dongxin Co.: (2005) China
  • Knauf Plasterboard (Tianjin) Co. Ltd.: (2006) China
  • Taian Taishan Plasterboard Co. Ltd.: (2005) China
  • Taian Taishan Plasterboard Co. Ltd.: (2006) China
  • Shandong Chenxiang GBM Co. Ltd. (C&K Gypsum Board): (2006) China
  • Beijing New Building Materials (BNBM): (2009) China
  • Taian Taishan Plasterboard Co. Ltd.: (2009) China
  • Shandong Taihe Dongxin Co.: (2009) China
Write these lists down, and check your house.  And if you suspect that you have a problem drywall, make plans to eliminate it and everything in your house affected by it. Learn more about Chinese drywall issues.

Areas Served: We serve the areas listed above as well as many others. If you do not see your city, please contact us. We will be proud to serve your city.
Darin Redding
Written on Thursday, 27 May 2010 21:34 by Darin Redding

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Last Updated on Tuesday, 22 May 2012 09:50

Housecall Property Inspections

Housecall Property Inspections
6826 Millbrook St.
San Diego, CA 92120