I am so glad I decided on this company.  The home inspector knew his stuff, and he explained the inspection report in a way that was clear.  I was able to negotiate my purchase and saved a lot of money.  Thanks for everything.        -  Karla P., San Diego

Blog Inspections 101 I've had my home inspection, now I need MORE inspections?
I've had my home inspection, now I need MORE inspections?
Inspections 101
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The vast majority of home buyers now have a home inspection done prior to purchasing a home. It is now estimated that over 90% of home buyers have an inspection done, as they consider it a standard part of the home purchasing process. Some of these individuals may be confused when they find out that the home inspection is not the end of the inspection process, but instead the beginning.
home systems inspectedHouse Cutaway
A home inspector will recommend additional inspections if he or she feels that they are needed. Trade professionals may be needed in order to take a closer look at noted deficiencies. An example of this would be a case in which the home inspector sees that the ceiling is damaged by moisture. In such a case, a professional roofer may need to be called out to determine the severity of the problem. Problems such as cracks in the foundation may need to be examined by an engineer. Extensive termite damage will most certainly prompt a recommendation for a pest control professional as well as a licensed contractor if, in the opinion of the home inspector, the structural integrity of the home is compromised. Sadly, recommendations for additional inspections often are ignored. This can prove costly to buyers.

Home Inspections and Additional Evaluations

Recently, a San Diego home buyer was advised to seek the professional opinion of an engineer when problems with the foundation were noticed by the home inspector. The buyers ignored this advice and followed through with the purchase. It was not long before the buyers began to be concerned about how uneven the floors were. It was not until this point that an engineer was called out, who then informed then that the foundation was indeed faulty and that the house was shifting.
Had this inspection been completed prior to finalizing the purchase, the buyers could have negotiated with the seller, or backed out of the purchase altogether without being penalized. Basically, the buyers would have had options, and these options were taken away due to the fact that they did not have the engineering inspection done in advance. Mediation or binding arbitration are two options, but neither of these come with any guarantees.
Another story involves a couple that purchased a home that was relatively new. Though they noticed no visual defects, they did notice a foul odor near the storm drain. The home inspector advised the buyers to have the indoor air quality tested. They opted not to have this testing completed. After a few heavy rains, water stains were noticed at the base of interior walls and exterior stucco. The home buyers then attempted to sue the builder, but the builder was not insured to cover such defects.

Why Do So Many Ignore the Need For Additional Inspections?

One of the main reasons would be the cost. In reality, it is worth spending a few hundred dollars to ensure you are not making a mistake that could cost thousands. With such a large investment being considered, it is best to know exactly what you are getting yourself into.
Lack of time is another reason why additional inspections may be left undone. Should the contingency period be short, the buyer might simply run out of time. Though sellers prefer shorter time frames, time for due diligence investigations should be allowed to avoid future problems. Should you find that you need more time, request an extension. So long as sellers feel that you are generally satisfied with the condition of the home, they will likely grant such a request.
If the buyer feel that additional inspections are too expensive, they can request that the seller share the cost. There is a benefit to sellers as well, as they will want to know more about the condition of the home. Should the buyer decide not to purchase the property, the seller can then choose to re-price the home according to the findings, or have repairs completed.
Home inspection reports may contain several disclaimers, and may also contain several additional inspection recommendations. Buyer should take these recommendations seriously. It is best to spend a little now instead of risking the chance that you'll need to spend thousands later.

Areas Served: We serve the areas listed above as well as many others. If you do not see your city, please contact us. We will be proud to serve your city.
Darin Redding
Written on Wednesday, 02 March 2011 22:23 by Darin Redding

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Housecall Property Inspections

Housecall Property Inspections
6826 Millbrook St.
San Diego, CA 92120