If you are, you may just be one of the people that need it most. Those who have limited funds will likely be those who cannot afford expensive repairs. One need only consider the possibilities to see why a home inspection is so important. Should you purchase a home and not have it inspected, anything that goes wrong will be your responsibility.
The Alternative to Home Inspection
Don't want to pay a few hundred dollars on an inspection? The alternative very well could be moving into the home only to find that thousands of dollars in repairs are needed. A faulty foundation, leaking roof, broken heating or air system, and more will not be inexpensive fixes. Consider the possibility of health hazards such as mold, allergens and asbestos that may need to be addressed. A few hundred dollars spent now could help you avoid future expenses.
The Cut-Rate Home Inspector
Maybe at this point you realize that a home inspection is necessary, but want to find a cheap inspector. Hiring an inspector that has little experience and will not complete a thorough home inspection is almost as bad as not having one done at all. A detailed inspector may save you thousands. One that is not may cost you thousands. The price of good home inspection may sting for a moment, but will not be nearly as painful as incurring expensive home repair costs.
Low Prices Increase the Need for Home Inspection
Do problem exist in million dollar homes? Of course they do. However, lower priced homes tend to have more problems than expensive ones. Your budget friendly home price may look great on paper, but is it really an excellent value? A home inspection will help answer that question. Foreclosure and HUD homes often can both offer low-priced home buying options, but inspections are extremely important for each of these.
Not Everyone Is Rich
You already know this, right? Would a rich person forgo a home inspection. Most likely not. Wealthy people tend to stay that way by being extremely smart with their money. The difference is that someone with plenty of money will be able to pay for expensive repairs should they opt to not have a home inspection done. Will they like it? No, but they can afford it.
If you are on a strict budget, take the time to consider which home buying expenses may be eliminated and which cannot. In most cases, the cost of inspection will only be a fraction of one percent of the total cost of the home. In the grand scheme of things this is really not much to spend, especially when the alternatives are considered.